Swedish Nationals Level III match
Will be helt on August 21 and 22 2010 in Gothenburg Sweden
12 stage and 250 rounds
Sunday was the last day
Squad med Lars Hagemann, Jack Rømer og Timo McKeown
We had only tree squad so it was a easy day on the office, but we had 2 DQ one revolver shooter breaking the 90* and one shooter also breaking the 90* and that stage was his last stage on the match poor him.
Then the big event of the day a Danish shooter with a big thumb rest, ground start, gun laying flat, but he could not lay the gun flat, call up the RM :0)) turn you gun the other way the no problem laying flat, well after 2 stage we ask him to put his standard gun in the box and yes welcome in open. Sometimes shit happened and not always in your home country :0))
Here is why a Denmark would take over Kristianstad
We had on this match 29 Open shooter, 114 Production, 12 Revolver and 63 Standard shooter and 8 DQ.
Well after a nice day with a little rain and sun, it was time for the price award, and as surprice after talking to our Danish Champ Ralf K. Jensen he could not win this match after he lost lot of point and time on stage 1 a 100 point stage he shot it in 11 second got a reshot and shot in 18 second with miss I think ? but yes he won the standard divisions and Lars Syversen from Norway 98,80 %
In production the MD Rasmus Gyllenberg won in front of Evan Skaare Norway with 95,75%
In Open Johan Hansen Sweden in front of Johan Nordberg Sweden with 97,41 %
Revolver Per Bergfeldt Sweden and Olof Lindskog 96;99%
My performance on this match ummm well as I told early I got some amo problem, I end up with 59,28%
But I can fill im on the right track I got more speed I still need more focus, But now I got the new Race Master Holser from Double Alpha Academy and now there is hope hihi

Last but not least I like to thanks the MD Rasmus Gyllenberg for his first job as MD and I don’t hope it will be his last he did a very good job and then he also run with the title champ.
Thanks also to Big Gee Janne Gregnert RM it aslway nice to work with a big old Champ hihi.
Also thanks to my crew on stage 10, 11 and 12 all you guys did a very very good job.
And last thanks to my sponsor ICARUS the best ipsc shirt.

Day 3 first day of the main match
Jostein Jacobsen from Norway on stage 10
After a good breakfast we went to the range 8am
I was Area CRO for stage 10 long course stage 11 medium course and 12 the Tivoli long course stage.
Gert Hansen our Danish IROA was working on stage 10, our NROI Ulrik Saxhør run stage 11 and the new IROA boy Ola Dahlbäck work on stage 12, together with Mikael Ôstling and his wife Angelica Lindström.
Ulrik Saxhæj ready for run Roger Tiensuu on stage 11
All the stage have to be coordinated so we load up all tree stage the shot first stage 12, then 11 and last stage 10 then patching , we run 3 stage in one hour which is ok, the whole schedule was running perfect at all time, only small issue like plate broke, swinger did den work,
Flemming Mark Pedersen from Capsicum nice to see Flemming again it have ´been long time
We had one shooter there had ammo explosion in his gun, but he fix it and continue the other stage.
We had 7squad of 15 shooters in each squad, 3 squad before lunch and 5 after, and everything went perfectly. Tomorrow we just have 5 squad left
Suddenly there came one man who deliver 1,000 target our RD had ordered , I know I have to get them but I forgot how much 1000 target fills in a car Wow.
We finish today 6pm and left the range around 7pm quick change on the hotel then continue to the banquet for a small dinner, after that we went to a nice coffee bar
More report hope full tomorrow we will drive strait to Denmark after the match and will not be home before late evening , if not tomorrow around with in the week final report with photo and video will come on classictarget.dk
Open shooter with heavy load ammo
Day 2
Gert on stage 8, Gert also make some Fu.. up today he lost his front site.
Wake up 6am and got breakfast, have to be on the range 7:45 am
All the CRO and the RO of the stage went true all the stage before we start the pre match, just to see if everything is ok, and only small thinks have to be change and 9:45 we start shooting
I was in squad with Gert and 4 other Swedish shooters.
We started on stage 12 a Tivoli stage with swinger, swinger and swinger and oh ya another big swinger.
A really bad stage to start with, I forgot my score but I start out with some miss.
Stage 12 Swinger left and right and the 4 target in the middle also swing
Stage 6
We shot 4 stage then we have a spaghetti lunch, and after lunch finish the last 8 stage.
And after lunch all the fun was over, because then I got lots of problem with my gun ore my ammo, it cost me lot on stage 4, first I shot it ok, I got a reshot because of score issue, then I got a major fuck up problem, I change some part in my gun, but it still have problem, so I have to go back to my team mate so we can fix it before the Serbia next month.
We finish all the stage 6:45pm and went straight home to change and then went out for dinner together my friend Jesper Slaarup.
Now its time for sleep up early tomorrow 6:30am and the first day of the main match
Squad 8 from left Lars erik, me, Lars, Teresa with a new raining hat, Ulf and Gert
More tomorrow
Day 1.
Thursday August 19 Ulrik Saxhøj and I left Copenhagen 5pm Pick up Gert Hansen in Helsingør took the ferry 6pm, we took a stop in Falkenberg for a quick dinner on a nice Chinese restaurant.
We arive on the match hotel City hotel in Ghotenburg 10:30pm, we have to be on the range tomorrow morning 7:45 am so now its time to sleep.
HI Peter!!!
ReplyDeleteNice work, please keep us posted.
Take Care
Luis Cesar Costa