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Match result
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Day 10 September 13 and the first match day
Kalemegdan fortness
Today is the first day of the match, and it´s my day off, IROA try for the first time a new schedule, so all RO will have a day off and also the shooter will, so today was my day off also because I have been working on the equipment check, so the match for me will start tomorrow.So today me, Chees and Adri went back to the Kalemegdan fortness and have a nice walk, then we went to the ZOO that was so nice lot of nice animals, and it was so close to us, if I would I could put my finger into the lion cage, I got some very good picture.
Adie and Cees
About the match today, well I ask some of the RO when they return from the match, it went ok but some issues , reshoot on stage 6 and stage 9 that was the two stage we talk about they should have change something, but they did not change anything and that’s way there still are problem, and as I always say if the thinks not work well like stage 6 the running man and on stage 9 the canon with the swinger if it not working, don’t use it.
Some DQ and one shooter got procedure for using a towel to dry his face, the RO tell don’t use anything to memory the stage.
I can see from the website, the stats is running well, result is coming fast on the website.
So we will se how it will run tomorrow
Day 11 September 14 and the second match day
The top lady squad and me :0))
We arrive on the range 6:30 and went down to may stage 9.
Snezana Subasic in the cage
We had only to shooter there throw the ball outside the canon and have to go back and throw it inside the canon there lost lot of second, one of the shooter was Eli from Double Alpha, it was sad to see, but Eli did not have a good day, his gun did not work with him.
Saul Kirsh was also on my stage together with Yael Dagon, and its just nice to meet these shooter again.
Also came the Lady squad, I will have video later on with all the shooter.
Eli Huttner
We did 6 squad before lunch and 6 after lunch, I did the score on the first 6 squad and with the timer on the last 6 squad.
We had almost 2 hours lunch which is to long time, because we finish 6:30pm and if could start 30 minute early, then we had finish 6pm and not 6:30pm.
Before I went for lunch I watch Eric Grauffel shooting stage 5 and 6, and on stage 5, you have 7 target and 2 plate 9 rounds, he did it in 7:35 second with full house and stage 6 he shot it in 10 second :0))
Eric Grauffel here on stage 6 with the slider.
At the lunch break I had a nice talk with the president Nick Alexakos, and that conversation, I can not talk about it right now :0)) hihi.
When I walk around I stop on one of the stage and here a conversation, between IROA person, and in front of another shooter yo cannot have like that.
Day 12 September 15 and Third day of the main match
Eric Grauffel here on stage 9
Also today I was working on stage 9 and today together with a new IROA from Germany, Olaf Thieme.And we also had 6 squads before and 6 squad after lunch, it have been a long long day and hot
We had beside the squad from Denmark also the super squad with bla. Emil Eric Grauffel, Martin Kamenicek ,and Emile Obriot
And those guy just make perfect Eric shot my stage in 18:05 with 4C and I think that have been until now the fastest time, the other is around 20 second but only for the best.
We was a little behind the plan today but it went ok, we had lunch for one hours, so my way to lunch I run in to all my friends from Philippines true weight with the Open lady shooter Mari Grace Tan.
Frank Garcia from USA
I hope I can see them shoot tomorrow.
I was very tired when I return to the hotel, and my but hearts so I will give it some powder.
Day 13 and 14 September 16 and 17 fourth and fifth match day
One of the local laidy shooter try to escape from stage jail
The last two day I work on stage 21, a long course 32 rounds 14 target, 3 classic mini popper and one plate, gun loaded laying flat on table all magazine laying flat on table, and about the magazine, that came as a surprise for many shooter.
Stage 21
We did 6 squad before lunch and 6 after lunch, we run the stage very good and the time was ok, around 2 minutes pr. Shooter.
I was fun to see specialty when the open shooter came, almost all the open shooter shot the stage in between 18- 20 sec ,
I got the squad with Saul Kirsh, Eli Huttner and Yael Dagan, Eli did not have a good match his gun did not work with him, so he really hope he can get the license for his new gun when he return in Denmark.
Saul on stage 19
Saul give us a little shock when he finish the stage, Saul got a miss and the miss was ok, but he was not happy, that was his first miss on this match and it cost him a place. Yael did a good run and like the stage very much, and I wish all the luck in the future Yael knows what I mean.
Yael on stage 19
Then Lars Tony Skoog from Sweden came and shot the stage in 17,01 so Martin Kamenicek in 16 + Then Eric Grauffel shot it in 15,65 with 3 C
To watch Eric shooting that is something he is just perfect its look so easy, it´s also looks a little slow but when you look a the timer it´s just so fast.
We had a little problem on our stage with one of the Italian shooter, after he shot 4 target and would make a magazine change, he so that one bullet stock in his magazine, and so I was just behind him, and he took the opportunity to run back on me, and I stop him DQ 10.6.1
Later he made an arbitration, he told his story, I told my story and there was lot of witnesses, but later he came back to get a reshot umm, but I did my job so am clean tats ok.
The laidy Production team
Well the stage was ok stage only the grass was not good, after the big rain fall it was like working on rocks so my feed was in pain, but it help every night when I return to my hotel a hot shower was nice.
Shoot off and award night will come soon
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